
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Can I request my file/medical data?

Yes, that is possible. You have the right to inspect and receive a copy of your medical file within the period of the statutory retention obligation. We usually refer you to your own GP, who will receive a full report of every contact with the GP emergency station. If this causes problems, the patient can submit a request for access via info@dehuisartsenconnectie.nl, in the name of our data protection officer, Mr J. Nijskens. A copy of the patient’s identity document must be sent along with this.

Furthermore, under the law, the patient also has the right to have the file corrected if factual information is incorrect. The patient can also submit a request for the destruction of his file. This request must also be made in writing and must include a copy of the identity document. This request may be refused if there are good reasons for doing so. These are then also shared with the patient.

The Zeeland GP Emergency Post will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within four weeks. For more information about your rights, please see our organization’s Patient Privacy Statement.